Demand for clean water in Phnom Penh capital is on the rise due to the growing population and constructions in the city.
To respond to the current demand, Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) has planned to attract investments and seek financial support for the expansion of investment in building clean water treatment plants.
H.E. Cham Prasidh, Senior Minister and Minister of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation, said that more investments on clean water treatment plants are in need as the government is set to intensify access to clean water for people both in urban and remote areas.
“Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority has to further try its best to increase its capacity to meet the demand as Phnom Penh currently has been expanded into a bigger area and big building development and the number of urban people have rapidly increased,” H.E. Cham Prasidh said.
“Expanding investment capital, attracting investment, seeking assistance and development partners are necessary to extend clean water services to urban areas and then to remote areas in line with the government’s vision […],” he added.
Currently, PPWSA is capable of supplying 632,000 cubic metres of clean water per day in the capital. The water is produced by four water treatment plants, including Phoum Prek water station (170,000 cubic metres), Chroy Changvar water station (150,000 cubic metres), Niroth water station (260,000 cubic metres), and Chamkar Mon water station (52,000 cubic metres).